2022 March School Newsletter

Important Dates:

March 25: Elementary Report Cards go home
March 28: PD Day; No School March 30 & 31: Elementary Parent Teacher Interviews

Keep an eye out for more information on parent teacher interviews from your child’s homeroom teacher.

It is time for re-enrollment again! Please make sure that you follow the link to fill in the form. These forms have to be back to the school by March 18. https://sites.google.com/hba.ibces.org/hba /enrollment

Please make sure you choose the form on the left hand side. It is found under “Enroll Today”.

After School Art Program

Another round of after school art is starting! If your child would like to attend please make sure you sign them up with this link. https://forms.gle/K9GEmQXS7pDN3FLCA

Deuteronomy 8:7

For the LORD thy God bringeth thee into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and depths that spring out of valleys and hills;

Important Reminders


This time of year we see a lot of students growing very quickly, especially in the elementary grades. Please make sure that for female students that parents are checking the length of your children’s skirts. There have been a lot of students coming to school in skirts that are too short. If you need some grace while you find longer skirts for your daughter, please contact their homeroom teacher.

Bible Verses:

Elementary student bible verses can be found in the Bible classroom online. Please make sure you are practicing with your children.

Spring is Near!

With the coming of spring here at HBA, we experience a lot of mud and water on the school grounds. That being said, we have a strict policy that ALL students MUST wear rubber boots during the spring melt. It prevents students from getting wet feet and it cuts down on tracking mud into the school building.

Field Trip

There was a change to the date of the in-school field trip. The new date for the field trip that was supposed to be on Feb. 17 will now be on Mar. 24.


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