Home Education Program at Harvest Baptist Academy

Home Education Program at Harvest Baptist Academy.

Kindergarten – Grade 12

For a parent directed program that allows parents to select the learning objectives, curriculum, teaching methods, and assessment, we offer our Home Education Program. Depending on parental values this program can take many different forms. Parents can choose learning objectives that may follow the Alberta Program of Studies or they may follow the 22 HOME EDUCATION LEARNING OUTCOMES to determine and deliver their child’s education plan.

While a facilitator is assigned to support you with program planning assistance, you have total control over the curriculum, methods, and assessment your child follows. HBA facilitators schedule a minimum of 2 visits (usually these happen at the beginning of the year and at the end of the year). On the first visit, typically you will write a learning plan for your child.

If you do not want an Alberta diploma or to attend post secondary, HBA offers a Certificate of High School Completion. Note, this certificate may not be recognized by post secondary institutions.

We offer 
  • Student achievement and aptitude testing
  • Accounts with all major Christian and Education Publishers
  • Direct billing purchase orders & discount prices
  • Receipt reimbursements throughout the year
  • Field trips and opportunities to meet other home school families
  • Meetings, and seminars
  • Assistance with post secondary counselling and Home Education Transcripts

Note the following external sites for more Home Education Support: HBA is not responsible for the content of these sites.


To enroll in Home Education through HBA, please register before September 29.  See Home Education Notification Form (attached below).

Home Education Notification Form

Please CONTACT US if you would like to learn more about the program.


  1. Please fill out the Home Education Notification Form for each child you are enrolling.