2022 May School Newsletter

Important Dates:

May 16 – Grade 9 Part A PAT

May 17 – Alberta Aviation Museum (Grades 3-11)
May 18 – Grade 6 Part A PAT
May 18 – Picture Day

May 18 – Safety City Field Trip (Grades K-2) * students need to bring a helmet for this field trip to participate
May 20 – PD Day – No School

May 23 – Victoria Day – No School

May School Newsletter

** Please be aware that this month are

days where there are multiple activities happening on the same day.

May School Newsletter

After School Art

This is the last 6 week cycle of After School Art beginning on May 4. If your child would like to join, please make sure you sign them up.

May School Newsletter

May School Newsletter

Important Reminders:

Spring Weather
All students MUST continue wearing their rubber boots every day until the middle of May. There is still a lot of moisture in the ground and mud around the school yard. After that, students are required to wear rubber boots on days that rain/call for rain.

May School Newsletter

What’s New?

School supply lists and school fees will be sent home in the beginning of May. Please keep an eye out for an email so you can pre-order your chid(ren)s school supplies for next year.

Watch for the different forms being sent home this month
Also, watch for the field trip forms coming home for your child

May School Newsletter

For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds id come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land; ~ Song of Solomon 2: 11-12


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